Currently where I am at

As we speak today I am in a much better place simply because I have faced the situation. I recommend anyone else who is going through the situation to stick with it through the initial fear to keep educating yourself. The fear will then start to dissipate and you will come into your power.

At the moment this is what I am doing every day as much as I can:

1) Sharing and spreading on social media about the issue
2) Collecting evidence daily. Writing my experiences that correlate with directed energy weapons also.
3) Forming a local support network and activist group
4) Writing this blog. Everyone needs a blog to document this phenomenon.
5) Getting leaflets posted and distributed
6) Writing to local MP's, papers (Yorkhire Post) and radio stations

Where I really want to go with this is petitioning on the street and when our group has more numbers in Leeds then I will invite more to join the protests. This needs to be taken to the streets I feel.

I will start another page with specific topics of helpful advice as oppose to just my thoughts and experiences (i.e. diary) which this scroll will deal with.

So where am I at personally?

I am still being targeted but it has died down a lot in particular over the last week and also I would say since I first discovered that most of my targeting was not spiritual attack or possession but was electronic harassment. I am just trying to attain the best balance I can in my life.

If you are just aware that you have been targeted then:

1) Keep educating
2) Keep speaking out and making sure you don't become isolated
3) Keep joining force with other TI's for activism.
4) Keep gaining balance when needed

Rule no 1 do not become isolated or too introspective. Putting it into a cause will give you a huge focus instead and the fear will dissipate. Trust yourself and be aware of the psyops constantly trying to confuse you and take you off track. Keep moving in other words!! This needs to be a daily effort from all of us. Anything else is not strong enough and relies on luck. Let's put this fight in our own hands. When you show that you will not be bullied and state to your oppressors that every time you are attacked you will post more stuff on social media this puts you in a strong position.

This is the most important issue of society to spread and share and I feel every other issue is being used as a distraction. if they control people's mind then everything else become irrelevant. That said I firmly believe it is impossible to do that to 7 billion people but we still must speak out it's our duty.

This is all I would like to say today

Stay strong to everyone reading and spread as much as you are physically able.

With love,



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