Explanation to the background to my targeting - who, what, how and why

Although I am only starting this blog now to document this this has been going on for many years. It started most intensely I believe in 2011 but I now realize that it has been going on for much longer. It started most intensely when I started getting into new age activity because the groups that run these things seem to use that as a heavy control mechanism of society. I started to notice that I felt different one time to how I used to feel but this was explained away by all the quote on quote wonderful spiritual experiences I was having at the time. This is not to blame spirituality as this is a wonderful thing and it is a shame that these groups seem to have manipulated and targeted these areas so extensively. Spirituality is a necessary thing, but because it can be open to the mystical they can gain control of the people within this new age movement without them suspecting what is going on. They simply label it as a mystical energy experience.

Things that I started experiencing were addictions to food. I could not stop eating and would avoid going out so that I could be assured of my next meal. I still have this today, but now I live my life how I want to with awareness. I had many weird experiences such as:

1) Voices or V2K
2) God seeming to direct me and come through me (I now know this was the AI)
3) Pains, symptoms and sensations in all of my organs at different times making me think I had a problem with them.
4) Anxiety, fear (in particular of the after life) but of many aspects of life.
5) Isolation targeting and discrediting in friends and family
6) Involuntary body movements
7) Digestion issues and illnesses
8) Street theatre
9) Inflammation
10) Removal of all pleasure in life
11) Instant induction of needing the toilet in the most inconvenient places or when driving so that I am danger to myself because it is that strong
12) Forced accidents including a car accident
13) Shortness of breath and choking sensations
14) Feeling like I am getting attacked by some sort of energy beam/ frequency which of course I was.
15) Confusion
16) Amnesia
17) Inability to concentrate at all for minutes on end suddenly when before I was really clear (this seems to be a mark of a lot of the attcaks although at times they can go on all day or be more intense. Can at times go through intense targeting periods of weeks and months that never seem to end.
18) False smells
19) Artificial bee stings
20) Plus many more

Here is a list of electronic harassment. I can honestly say that I have had about 80% of these symptoms at least plus other ones not mentioned or forgotten.


So why was I targeted?

While there are many people that are believed to have been targeted because they have been labelled by the institution as 'insignificants' because they are either poor, on drugs, low incomes etc many people have been targeted for speaking out against the state and this is the reason that I believe that I have been targeted as I have seen a heavy correlation between when I have been targeted and when I posted things on social media revealing the corruption of the government, system and world that we live in. Or when I helped people with ideas of love, truth and spiritual values and personal development on social media. They have tried to do everything to take me off track and change my identity over the years and many times they have actually succeeded due to my unawareness of the issue.

So who is doing this?

At the moment I am not totally sure who (or where exactly the frequencies are coming from) but I believe like stated earlier that it is from the shadow government or corrupted deep state because the targeting has correlated so much with whenever I spoke out against the system or helped others. the shadow government are really the secret societies that exist and run society and are the 'real' government that exist behind government.

How have they targeted me?

I believe they have targeted me with the full range of weapons that the average targeted individual or TI gets targeted with which includes microwave, Radio frequency, ELF, laser, Directed energy weapons, Haarp and so forth.

When do they target me?

Whenever but particularly when I speak out, come across some new information that is revealing about what is going on or I get really clear and powerful in my ways. Then I am targeted more to confuse me and take me off track.

This is just a short blog post to give you an idea of my targeting over the last 7 plus years, but I now firmly believe that while others maybe have not received as overt targeting as myself over the years that everyone has been subject to the effect of this frequency technology that is exerted by the electronic control grid and that the control of this society runs deeply and intricately as a control mechanism in every society and the problem is getting worse. More people become aware, more people getting anxiety, depression and other mental health conditions and being wrongly diagnosed when really they are ok it is just this technology that has been working on them. The fundamental aspect of the electronic control grid is to monitor thoughts via remote-neural networking and then it can via a supercomputer (artificial intelligence) create mind control and control of thought, feelings and actions in response to reading your brain wave patterns.

There are already patents for this technology and there are many whistle blowers that have come out to expose this crime. I will fill in many of the gaps with my subsequent posts but this is just to give an overview to the subject.

Please educate yourselves about this subject and share and spread this blog post. When people realize that people in the local area are being targeted then it is a game changer because the community starts to wake up to this most horrific 21st century crime.

We must keep speaking out about this until laws have been passed (currently there are none to protect innocent civilians) who have been affected by this and court cases have been settled. I am writing evidence every day for the day I will go to court with this hopefully in the not too distant future.

This must stop and is the foremost issue of our time because if not stopped there may be a realistic chance this could come a completely transhumanistic society with lack of free will.

With love,



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