Introduction to my electronic harassment targeting

First I would like to introduce myself as a Life Coach in Leeds. I am writing on here to first and foremost to introduce the issue of Electronic harassment which I have been subject to for 7 years intensely and even longer. I would like to educate the public and say that this is a huge problem in society and crime of the highest and most significant order. Electronic harassment involves using electronic frequencies to covertly direct control over individuals without their consent and can be used as a torture and control mechanism. this technology can create mind control, torture, pain, disease and death and this is an accurate description ( I will explain more in my blog posts). These crimes are being committed by government, intelligence agencies and I believe criminal gangs who have also got hold of this technology for various different agendas. The former two I believe use it to control and dictate society and criminal gangs for money and influence. I would like to educate others in coming forth with no shame in the fact that they have been targeted. Some of the strongest people have been targeted because they are the activists that have fought hard for a better society and I would put myself into that bracket. If everyone was to come forth saying what is going on then these crimes against humanity would no longer be able to exist. We all have a responsibility to share and discuss this issue until we are free individuals as we were meant to be. That said I will begin. Please check back regularly for regular posts or put on your feed.


  1. Hey there. I have been targeted since 2003 that I know of. The hell of it all. I have had a lot of experience surviving this, as you have. It sounds like you are a forward thinker, excellent. Are you in the UK? Its happening a lot here in California. Blah!


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