Who is responsible for the targeted individual programme?


There are many theories on the internet, but I will give my opinion on this. To claim I was an expert in this area would be lying although I feel as though I have a good idea of who is doing this (or which groups may be involved) both personally and collectively and to what degree.

I feel that firstly when people say one thing for example the government is responsible for it that it is important to realize that not all people or even areas of government will be corrupt. There are good people in all these organizations, that is what we are relying on along with mass awareness.

Also, I make my conclusions based upon reliable sources of who I can trust and who is an expert in the field. In that sense although I am knowledgeable I am even more so a distributor of good information sources within each my articles for you to do your own research.

I feel as though it runs on many levels. The main perpetrators at the top are Zionist Jews. When I say this I say this to hold them responsible and not in a derogatory racist way. Groups must be held responsible for these crimes no matter what they are called. These Zionist Jews are what many call the modern world elitists. The ones who own the vast majority of the world wealth and make up a very small percentage (less than 1%). This includes the families who own and run the central banks. Rothchild's and Rockefeller's are two of the biggest culprits at the hands of this New world order who own central banks worldwide. These Zionist Jew elite groups who are largely in control of secret societies around the world of which there are many. My understanding though is that the masons are the main group that exert the most power and influence worldwide and I have heard it quoted they were 'the original crime family' and are the biggest. There are many links between the secret societies worldwide and there is much collaboration between these elite groups many with zionist beliefs. The Masons and these secret societies are how these elitist zionists recruit other members of the public into their crime family to spread there influence throughout all sectors of society in government, corporation, media, pharmaceuticals and so forth. This is how they have managed to exert so much of there influence through society. The secret societies have an unfair advantage as they hold the occulted knowledge and know how to attract their reality. They keep this powerful knowledge from the public and run disinformation campaigns.

Then further down comes shadow government which includes the intelligence agencies. Please see this link towards the bottom. The military are also a big part of this operation in my understanding and the CIA may be the biggest worldwide culprits according to my sources of information.


Then as we come further into 'normal' society there has been infiltration and much influence by big corporate companies like amazon (see this link) plus many more.


On a similar level to corporations I would also include security agencies which the whistle blower in the link above gives strong testimony too.

Then even further down criminals and ex military are often used to carry out the gangstalking or the more 'street' related crimes, harassment and street theatre.

I also believe that this technology may have got into rogue criminal gangs hands or other types of mafia unrelated to secret societies. They may be using it to fulfill whatever agenda they have which may include insurance scams and so forth.

Hope this helps to fill in some of the gaps. Please share this article. Research the targeted individual and electronic harassment phenomenon and keep speaking out no matter what. Together we are strong.

Much love,



  1. The world is being ran by Technocrats. They want to mechanize everything, including us. Most everyone is under some form of mind control. There is some good info that can help. Dont sleep on a bed that has metal coils in it. Trust me on this one.


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