An honest update on the Prayer campaign and my other campaigns (and the way forward)


Dear readers,

Please read the whole thread.


I am looking at the statistics with the prayer campaign and it shows that very few people are clicking on the actual prayer link within my tweet reminders. This tells me that very few people are actually praying on this campaign and also not everyone who even clicks on this link will actually be praying. This is really disappointing. Most prayer campaign tweets are getting 100-200 views however there is even less than one click on the actual prayer link per 100 views (probably 0.66 clicks per 100 views on average). This is nowhere near enough for us to be effective.


I am getting around 5-6 retweets and 7-8 likes on average per tweet reminder. Please do not get me wrong I am INCREDIBLY appreciative for all the retweets and likes but what this does show me is that people are retweeting it and liking it but WITHOUT ACTUALLY USING THE PRAYER BY CLICKING ON THE PRAYER IN THE TWEET. I feel what this is saying is that people do not actually view the prayer as important enough to actually use.


While I MASSIVELY appreciate people sharing, I am asking people to please not just share in hope that someone else will use it!


I ran a poll and it seems as though some people are using the prayer campaign prayer separately as part of their own prayer schedule, which is ideal as then people are not relying on randomly seeing tweet reminders. However, even still, the ratio of people using the prayer campaign overall in comparison to the number of views and retweets is nowhere near good enough to get real-life effective results.


I have really tried my best to educate the TI community from a professional Life Coaches’ perspective to add value to the community. I would love to see the real life tangible effects of that for many people.


I have spent so much time on this campaign scheduling posts (10 days solid work per year), educating people on why people would be advised to take a step back and integrate this into their schedule if they want to be more effective but I feel that very little has come of this campaign so far. The whole idea for this campaign was that we could work together but also take our own personal responsibility to actually use the prayer.

I have not prayed on the prayer campaign prayer as much as I could simply because I have been working round the clock getting Targeted UK off the ground and doing many other activism ventures. However, I still do not feel that myself praying for this every day to be enough because the initial ratios are so bad. I hope I am wrong on this but it seems like even with daily prayer I would be constantly fighting an uphill battle to make any real genuine progress.

I was thinking if I do continue this it may be as a prayer group then at least I could verify that people are actually praying but I also may find it very challenging to encourage people to commit to this to grow numbers!

I have also asked people to take the initiative for being creative with the prayer campaign by helping get it into ANY prayer groups. None have taken up this suggestion.


The people to who I want to say a big thank you to are those who have retweeted it (especially consistently!). Please take this one step further by please praying on this also whenever you like or retweet this tweet. Thank you.


So where does this leave me right now?


Right now, I really do not know what I want to do with this campaign. The scheduling of the prayer campaign tweets runs out towards the end of April. This means I would love people in the meantime to really show me that this prayer is actually being used (and by bigger numbers) and that it is worth it.


I do not want to be spending and dedicating large amounts of my life to something that does not reap the rewards. I really feel the need to be doing things in my life that are actually effective. I KNOW that the idea of mass prayer is the best solution but despite my best efforts it is a tough nut to crack because people seemingly don't seem to believe me, are skeptical, or are not even open to considering other alternatives. Again, this is not everyone, some are and have. Some have even said the prayer campaign changed their lives through daily prayer on prayer. However, the numbers are nowhere near enough at current.


The sad fact is that ALL the campaigns I have done currently have had very little "response" despite being hugely needed and simple no-nonsense approaches. When I say "response" I mean very few people have told me they have used it or have actually commented on it. Yes, people have shared them but this does not tell me they have been effective. To be realistic, this means that probably virtually nobody has done them otherwise they would have emailed me, or I would be hearing more about it! I do realize that I have set very high standards and perhaps bitten off more than I can chew. However, the idea was to provide a structure of long-term goals and plans and then people would be independent and take the initiative to be self-reliant in order to make them work. This has not happened currently which has been incredibly disappointing after all the work I have put into these campaigns (a years worth!).


Leadership is needed in this community so much. I have tried to do that but sadly so few people seem to care to help with the initiatives I have done in organizing campaigns. This is sadly the case with most initiatives that people try to do across the community (especially the really important ones!). 


To be honest I do not feel incredibly unmotivated at the moment. I think that most people (90%) are not ready in this community to put in the real work to work together or free themselves and maybe only 10% truly are. I realize the many difficulties we are all facing and I have HUGE compassion but the fact is we need to do more and be better all around. The campaigns I did are not “sexy” but they are what is needed to be done on top of the great legal initiatives that have been started recently. We can all post info day in day out on social media but that is not going to free us! This of course is not all of us as some people are doing excellent work being really creative and taking direct action to the people who can help. However, it is the vast majority of the community who rely on just posting on social media alone. Some do not even do that. We need organized action and teamwork and to work together on campaigns where we are approaching the right people who have the power to actually help. Even if it is hard work it is still many decades quicker (in my opinion) than trying to wake up the whole world and then hoping that someone will finally do something about it!


Anyway, these are my thoughts. I am asking that if people actually care about the prayer campaign then please actually pray on it when the tweets reminders come up, OR even better form your own prayer schedules using the prayer. Also, just as importantly let me know if you are using it (otherwise I have no idea of progress). Also, please try to encourage others to join the campaign, and invite ANY prayer groups to use.

 Also, please be aware that I know that I have bitten off a lot to chew with so many campaigns, that these things take time, and I have many ways that I am trying to improve me as I have not always gotten everything right. I am always trying to work on myself and the way I do things to be more effective. I take full responsibility for myself in this effort too.

Anyway thanks for reading,



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