Some general helpful advice for targeted individuals
Hi there, This will be a post about what individuals can do if they are a targeted individual or if they are experiencing electronic harassment. The first thing I would like to say is remain calm. Do not live in one moment more than the moment in front of you. Remember you can always deal with the moment in front of you. Be aware of the future but keep your mind in the present moment. Apart from this core tip here is some more good advice for TI's or people going through electronic harassment. 1) Stay connected - rule number one. Find other TI's in the local area, even if it is just one this is a huge help. 2) Form a local support group. People that you can share your experiences with to verify that you really are not crazy and not going crazy. 3) Join a forum. Again stay connected and educate yourself. Work through any queries about what may be happening to you and what you can do about it. 4) Stay healthy. Raw food. Alkaline diet and lots of physical exercise are a...