
Showing posts from August, 2018

Some general helpful advice for targeted individuals

Hi there, This will be a post about what individuals can do if they are a targeted individual or if they are experiencing electronic harassment. The first thing I would like to say is remain calm. Do not live in one moment more than the moment in front of you. Remember you can always deal with the moment in front of you. Be aware of the future but keep your mind in the present moment. Apart from this core tip here is some more good advice for TI's or people going through electronic harassment. 1) Stay connected - rule number one. Find other TI's in the local area, even if it is just one this is a huge help. 2) Form a local support group. People that you can share your experiences with to verify that you really are not crazy and not going crazy. 3) Join a forum. Again stay connected and educate yourself. Work through any queries about what may be happening to you and what you can do about it. 4) Stay healthy. Raw food. Alkaline diet and lots of physical exercise are a...

Currently where I am at

As we speak today I am in a much better place simply because I have faced the situation. I recommend anyone else who is going through the situation to stick with it through the initial fear to keep educating yourself. The fear will then start to dissipate and you will come into your power. At the moment this is what I am doing every day as much as I can: 1) Sharing and spreading on social media about the issue 2) Collecting evidence daily. Writing my experiences that correlate with directed energy weapons also. 3) Forming a local support network and activist group 4) Writing this blog. Everyone needs a blog to document this phenomenon. 5) Getting leaflets posted and distributed 6) Writing to local MP's, papers (Yorkhire Post) and radio stations Where I really want to go with this is petitioning on the street and when our group has more numbers in Leeds then I will invite more to join the protests. This needs to be taken to the streets I feel. I will start another page ...

Explanation to the background to my targeting - who, what, how and why

Although I am only starting this blog now to document this this has been going on for many years. It started most intensely I believe in 2011 but I now realize that it has been going on for much longer. It started most intensely when I started getting into new age activity because the groups that run these things seem to use that as a heavy control mechanism of society. I started to notice that I felt different one time to how I used to feel but this was explained away by all the quote on quote wonderful spiritual experiences I was having at the time. This is not to blame spirituality as this is a wonderful thing and it is a shame that these groups seem to have manipulated and targeted these areas so extensively. Spirituality is a necessary thing, but because it can be open to the mystical they can gain control of the people within this new age movement without them suspecting what is going on. They simply label it as a mystical energy experience. Things that I started experiencing w...

Introduction to my electronic harassment targeting

First I would like to introduce myself as a Life Coach in Leeds. I am writing on here to first and foremost to introduce the issue of Electronic harassment which I have been subject to for 7 years intensely and even longer. I would like to educate the public and say that this is a huge problem in society and crime of the highest and most significant order. Electronic harassment involves using electronic frequencies to covertly direct control over individuals without their consent and can be used as a torture and control mechanism. this technology can create mind control, torture, pain, disease and death and this is an accurate description ( I will explain more in my blog posts). These crimes are being committed by government, intelligence agencies and I believe criminal gangs who have also got hold of this technology for various different agendas. The former two I believe use it to control and dictate society and criminal gangs for money and influence. I would like to educate others in...